Industrial Roadshow covers mostlyIndustrial areas where the actions is. Our events are mostly held in the middleof the Industry areas where end users can pop by for a visit conveniently. Wehave by far cover North, East and South of Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam.
Simultaneously we also bring specialisedtechnical classes to the Industrial Areas where engineers can learn and pitchwith the experts. With the ongoing pandemic, we have moved all our events to amore personalised experience, where our Experts can guide and teach engineersonline to upgrade their skills and knowledge. This can be a teaching arrangement between1 or a few factories employees involve.
Would you like to request specialisedworkshop for your engineers?
Get in touch with us now
1-1 Management Meetings
How do you want to get straight directly tothe management? Are you a manufacturer and looking for reseller/ distributors?Or are you looking for partners to collaborate for your projects? Yes we makespecial 1-1 arrangement for you to speak and pitch to each other – importantlyis to the Key Person. If you are looking to expand your territory, get in touchnow.
Wir sind ein TÜV zertifiziertes Dentallabor und bei der deutschen Handwerkskammer gemeldet. Sie können sich also darauf verlassen, dass der für Sie individuell hergestellte Zahnersatz aus unserem deutschen Meisterbetrieb stammt. Vertrauen Sie auf die hohen rechtlichen Anforderungen in Deutschland. Das Gesetz über Medizinprodukte (MPG) und das Zahnheilkundegesetz (ZHG) garantieren Ihnen ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit.